Thank you very much.
There's just one issue that I'd like a comment on from Ms. Ballem and Monsieur Michaud. That is on the whole issue of liability. You've indicated that certain geophysical data is published on your data sets. Let us assume that the data was inaccurate through an error being made by one of your staff members and that it was relied upon by--let's assume for the purposes of this discussion--an engineering firm or an architectural firm.
Let's assume that as a result of the erroneous data, the building was built or there was some construction done and it was not built according to code, or the wrong materials were used, or there was some major problem, and that as a result there was a liability. I know that you people would have disclaimers and all of this, but I'm not sure they would hold up in court.
Have you ever thought of this, or is this an issue that has ever been canvassed by your staff? What would happen? Of course, cities would be looked at in this as having the deep pockets in a lawsuit, so is this an issue that has ever been talked about or discussed? What are your thoughts on it?
Madam Ballem first, please.