Thank you for your comments. There are just two items, Mr. Calandra.
First of all, to change the committee's schedule I believe would require a motion from you to call whichever witnesses you have in mind.
The second one is important. It's our information that the Office of the Information Commissioner will be issuing a report. We are informed that this report will include an analysis on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, which will form the parameter of our hearing, I would assume. We are informed that this report will be tabled prior to March 21. I think it's important that we have that before we have the hearing.
I don't know if they're going to table it before March 16 or not, but I know it will be before March 21. That is an important issue on this whole discussion.
The clerk has pointed out that February 16 was talked about before and they weren't available on that date. There were a number of discussions and e-mails to come to the February 21 date.