Yes. I don't have our statistics off the top of my head for NRCan, but the system is in place at Environment Canada and it is in place at our department. The first thing is that there is a media request. These are usually time-sensitive. We don't get, “We would like to talk to somebody in the next week”; we get, “We'd like to go to press by such-and-such a time and we want to talk to somebody about topic X”.
We take great pride in the public service in having expertise. We've earned that expertise and we guard it accordingly, so our job is to make sure we have the expert speaking to the question. Sometimes these questions aren't simple; sometimes they're multidisciplinary. You need a couple of experts to come together, and it takes time. Then, like any well-run organization, you have to ensure that these people are media-trained.
In that process, occasionally something's going to slip through the cracks, but all in all, I know that when I was at Environment, our stats were very good as far as being able to meet these timelines was concerned.