Thank you very much.
The only item of business we have is to deal with the motion of Mr. Calandra. For the record, I will read it:
That February 16, 2011 be reserved to commence the study on Access to Information at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation, pursuant to the motion adopted on December 14, 2010; And, that the Clerk of the Committee be directed to call Mr. Hubert Lacroix, President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada, to appear before the Committee on February 16, 2011.
I'd like to give Mr. Calandra two minutes to speak to his motion. I'll entertain up to six interventions of one minute; then we'll go back to Mr. Calandra for the last minute, and then I'll put it to a vote.
Mr. Calandra, first of all, I'll get you to move the motion.