Mr. Perlman, I wanted to ask you a couple of questions.
It brought back memories for me to hear about the checklist of government publications. Is that the pink catalogue? I have spent many happy hours with the pink catalogue over my career as a staff person to an MP, trying to find information for community agencies and others. That was part of my job description for many years, so I'm very familiar with that and what's in it. It was fun to hear you talk about it this afternoon.
You talked about the change that's been made in policy in the department recently. I'm not finding the right language here for it, but it's changed accessibility to documentation. You talk about how that's an opening of what's available. What's different between what you do now and the concept of Creative Commons licences? Are we approaching a Creative Commons licence by the kind of changes you've made recently, or are we still some distance away? Is that something you're familiar with or that you and your colleagues would discuss?