Perhaps I can answer that question. In terms of the free publications that the Government of Canada produces, we work with a network of libraries across Canada; we make print copies available at no cost to these libraries, which means that millions of Canadians can access those publications if they so wish. A number of libraries, especially academic and research libraries, prefer to use electronic formats of these publications. There are ongoing issues about shelf space, about no access, about what to keep and not to keep, about long-term preservation, and so on.
We know it has been reported that as the government moves more and more towards a digital environment, there is an offloading of those costs on citizens. People print. Very few people can read a 20-page or 50-page or 60-page document online, so people tend to print the document themselves, and sometimes they print a copy, bind the copy, and make it available for internal use.
Has there been an official study or do we have figures? No. It's more feedback we've collected through our different networks of users.