I will now call the meeting to order.
Welcome, everyone. Bienvenue à tous.
This meeting is a continuation of the committee's ongoing study on open government. We're very pleased to have before us today a number of witnesses.
First of all, appearing as an individual, we have Madame Diane Mercier, who works with information services with the City of Montreal.
As well we have Monsieur Daniel Caron, librarian and archivist, from Library and Archives Canada. He is accompanied by Jean-Stéphen Piché, the acting assistant deputy minister, acquisitions sector.
From Public Works and Government Services Canada we have Mr. Mark Perlman, acting assistant deputy minister for the consulting, information and shared services branch. He is accompanied by Madame Christine Leduc, director of publishing and depository services with the consulting, information and shared services branch.
On behalf of all members of the committee, I want to welcome everyone.
We will start with you, Madame Mercier.
I should notify everyone that we have some other business to transact, so this part of the meeting will go to five o'clock.
That said, please go ahead, Madame Mercier.