I'm sorry for shuffling papers.
That “releasing all we can” came from me in the context of the national declassification standard that has been established here at the national archives.
The executive order from the President that established the centre specifies two categories of content that must be protected: weapons of mass destruction and national security. Any of the 400 million pages that deal with those need to be protected. Everything else is up for review, and the intention is to make them open.
The process through which those documents are being reviewed involves the agencies that hold equity in the original classification, so we work through a process to involve those agencies in reviewing large groups. What I didn't say in my testimony is that we have a mandate to finish this review process of the 400 million pages by the end of 2013. Large clusters of documents have already been reviewed, and we have opened 12 million pages worth of content so far.
Should we handle all three questions at the same time?