Okay, then I'm speaking to the cultural change. I can speak from my own experience as an agency head. I've been on the job now for 15 months, so the open government directive came at an opportune time for a new guy coming in to take over an agency. It gave me the luxury of creating a new organization and a new culture that for the first time empowered the staff to contribute to thinking about the future.
We used every social media tool possible to involve the staff across the country. I have 44 facilities, from Seattle, Washington, to Atlanta, Georgia. My staff is all over the country, so social media tools have been key to involving them in the creation of this new plan, which in itself has changed the culture in terms of expecting the staff to contribute to decision-making.
On the third question you asked, this transformation we're undergoing right now has also built into it the driving out of duplication and repetitive kinds of processes around the country, creating a much more efficient and nimble organization that brings with it resource efficiencies. So despite the current budget climate here in Washington, I'm really optimistic about reallocation of resources within our own budget to meet some of the challenges we have carved out for ourselves.