The government issued a policy statement last year accepting most of the recommendations. The declaration of open government I referred to earlier is an example of the government implementation of one of the recommendations.
The government also established a steering group located within the Department of Finance, with representatives of different offices, including the Attorney General's department, the National Archives, the Australian Bureau of Statistics, and my own office. That steering group has been responsible for ensuring that all of the recommendations are implemented. The members of that steering group have been meeting fairly regularly. There has been no report published as such, but there is an update on the Department of Finance Gov 2.0 website.
At the end of the day--and this hearkens back to the earlier question--a large number of government agencies have a role to play in information policy. That will never change. So the responsibility will be distributed around government. The main challenge is to ensure greater coordination between all of the different agencies that have a role to play in this area. That's one of the things that the Government 2.0 steering group is trying to do. It's also one of the objectives of my office.