I hear you about the early bird thing. I'm sure the clerk will work all this out and advise us when we get back. Even if we decide to do it on the Tuesday we come back, we have to approve a budget and then we have to go before the liaison committee to plead our case of why we should be able to go. It's going to be a tight line, I'm sorry, but that's our process.
We will get a preliminary work plan on the basis of the input of members, which will be available on the Tuesday when we get back. It will be circulated to members in advance, so we can discuss it on the Tuesday when we get back.
It's helpful. I sense that there is a commitment of the committee to deal with this, but with caution not to let it get out of hand. We'll keep a tight rein, and I think the committee is always in a position to be able to change our focus or direction as appropriate. We're not going to lock ourselves into a rigid framework for dealing with this. Once we get through the first two or three meetings on educating ourselves, I think a lot of this discussion will be a little more fruitful.
I thank members for taking the time to provide their input and to be prepared.
That was item number one. Our item number two is this. Mr. Easter has a motion for which he gave notice to the committee. It is in order. The appropriate timeline has been given.
Mr. Easter, are you prepared to move your motion?