There's just one issue I want you to clarify for me, Ms. Shepherd, and this is the controversial issue about code rule 8. It's not my job to carry the debate for the lobbying industry, but we've had a number of complaints and articles written by prominent lobbyists in the Ottawa area who, I should point out, enjoy good reputations and I'm sure would want to follow the rules and would not want to be in violation of any federal statute.
You say the rule is clear, but when I read your comments here today, I'm not getting clarity. I'll quote. You say “ guidance does not prohibit lobbyists from engaging in political activities”. And in the previous paragraph you state: “ reports to Parliament clearly indicate that helping someone get elected is in his or her private interest and might put the lobbyists in breach of the Code, depending on their lobbying activities”.
I'm confused at that. I guess you'd be okay if the person didn't get elected. You can be involved in politics, but you can't help anyone get elected.
Are you totally sure, and can you reassure this committee, that the rule is crystal clear and that these people who are in the industry know exactly what they can do and what they can't do?