This is their position in 2006. They are categorical that the Information Commissioner may not examine records that fall within an exclusion. On June 19, 2006, at this very committee, Vic Toews, who was then President of the Treasury Board, said:
I was somewhat surprised when I found out that the implications of the Information Commissioner's recommendation would be that CBC journalists...would have to disclose their sources and that it would be the Information Commissioner who would then determine whether or not those sources should remain confidential. I found that, quite frankly, shocking.
It seems that our colleagues on the other side have twisted themselves upside down, because I think Minister Toews' position is a reasonable one in terms of an exclusion. The CBC should have some level of protection of its sources to maintain its integrity as a news unit and as a competitor in a mostly privatized landscape.
Would you agree with Vic Toews that the CBC should be able to have exclusions to protect its journalistic integrity?