I'm going to play devil's advocate with you for a minute, so bear with me. In case anybody's ever going to quote me on this, I'll be sure that I said I'm playing devil's advocate with you.
You're not in the broadcast business. You don't know anything about broadcasting. How would you know if any of these three exemptions apply or not? As the CBC, we don't trust you to be able to determine if 68.1 applies or not. Therefore, what we have determined, and what we're going to make clear in the guidelines, is that we might just deny applications on their face, because we are the broadcaster. We know what applies. We think 68.1 is clear in what applies or not. Therefore, we're prepared to go to court. In fact, we're prepared to go to court until we get the court decision we like, not just any court decision. We're going to go to court until we get a decision we like.
That I think is largely the CBC's case in saying that you're not qualified to determine if 68.1 applies. Your office is not qualified because you don't understand broadcasting. Do you feel that your office is qualified to make determinations under 68.1?