I guess the easiest thing to do would be to look at the requests that were the subject of the court case. I think there are 16 of them.
Do I have them here with me? Yes, I have some of them here. Some of them are in French and some of them are in English.
One of the requests where 68.1 was applied and that is subject to the court case—“statutory fees paid by CBC for the submission of ATI requests. Provide a copy of records indicating the amount of fees paid pursuant to the Federal Access to Information Statute during fiscal year 2007–2008.” Section 68.1 was applied to that.
There is a list—“Audits of the Olympics coverage by CBC and resulting expenditures by Deloitte & Touche. Provide copy of the audits of last three Olympics performed by Deloitte & Touche or equivalent auditing organization.”