Thank you, Madam Chair.
Certainly these rulings of parliamentary procedure are what we rely on in the western parliamentary system to judge, because we are a quasi-judicial body here. The decisions made here have enormous implications.
It would be fair to say that the vast majority of people who sit around this table on any given day are absolute laymen and laywomen brought forward to represent their communities. Some have a background and some don't, and that's no slight on anybody around this table. Everyone comes hoping to do the right thing. But sometimes people step forward and put their feet into legal quagmires because they're earnest. Maybe they want to eat their way up the political food chain. Maybe they want to make a name for themselves. Maybe they're just really excited. But if they haven't done their homework, if things are allowed to stand and the rest of the gang jumps on board and runs down that road, then you're--