That is 12 seconds per issue.
On the waste issue, your comment to me was like a time warp. In the 1980s I used to hear that kind of story. Now I hear more stories about “I wish we could afford paper clips. I wish I didn't have to spend time emptying my own garbage can. I wish I were allowed to have a taxi to get across town.” It's that kind of thing. There is a cutting to the bone that relates back to.... That's more than 12 seconds.
On the competitive lens, that would take too long.
On sanctions, we need clear rules that everybody has to obey. Maybe we'd go to a court to order the CBC to obey something if necessary, but with respect to the accountability issue, I would stick with my introductory comments. The president and CEO of the CBC is effectively not accountable to anyone.
By the way, I read a Canadian Press report this morning in the Winnipeg Free Press about this very issue, which had the CBC spokesman saying that the board was consulted about this access to information matter, but, he thought, they hadn't made any decision about it.