Tremendously so, actually.
When we entered the round of bargaining in 2008—I arrived as national president about a year before, and Monsieur Lacroix arrived a year later—we had an opportunity to sit down and talk about the relationship. We talked about stopping being enemies within the corporation. We actually had a goal, and we all had the same love for the public broadcaster. We shared that, and we decided we wanted to be partners in public broadcasting and to start cleaning up our own mess. If we were constantly saying we were the best-placed people to fix our own problems, instead of going out to law firms and arbitrators, etc., then we would clean up our own mess.
I can tell you today that we sit at more tables and have more conversations with CBC management folks, senior management, than ever before. If I make a phone call, I actually get a phone call back. Before that, it was good luck even getting an e-mail recognizing that you had tried to contact them.
So it's changed unbelievably, and a lot for the better—for the better of our members and for the better of the public broadcaster as a whole.