Mr. Lacroix, the chairman of the CRTC, the Information Commissioner, and in fact Justice Boivin in his ruling all determined that section 68.1 could, or should, be redrafted. I think that's something this committee needs to address in its report on this matter.
There are a number of models out there for public broadcasters, all of which protect journalistic sources. Some are very descript. The Irish model, for example, that was presented by the Information Commission is very precise and descript. The BBC model is a little bit less so. They go further than our section 68.1 does and require significantly more disclosure. I think that's something we need to do.
I've received a lot of correspondence, as you can imagine, on this file. One of the things I received was a four-page e-mail from someone who asked not to be identified but who is in the employ of CBC. In there, they discuss their passion for the broadcaster, their love of it, their frustrations, and what they see as opportunities to improve the operations. One of the things they recommend is a third-party independent review of the CBC, whereby the third-party could go in and make specific recommendations that could improve your transparency, your efficiency, and your overall operations.
Would the CBC be supportive of such a look into its operations and a review of its transparency by a third party to make recommendations on how it could improve its practices?