Mr. Lacroix, thank you for coming today.
I'm new on the committee. I have been sitting in and keeping very close track of this particular case. From your answer just now, you've virtually said no, you're not wanting to have a third party come in.
Judge Boivin's ruling stated that the Information Commissioner, not the CBC, should have decided whether or not a request is captured by section 68.1, and you said you wanted the court to decide this. I'm not clear, from the questioning that we heard earlier, whether there will be an appeal to what has happened in the court today. We didn't get that clarification from you. What we heard was we'll take a look at it and we'll see.
The fact of the matter is that the CBC gets a whole wad of money from taxpayers. We're in an economic downturn and I think taxpayers out there want to know if you're going to be spending more taxpayers' money on an appeal. Could you please answer that?