I want to go through your two options. One is the RCMP and one is education.
Under subsection 10.4(7), if you believe someone has engaged in unregistered lobbying you're immediately forced to suspend your investigation and hand it over to the RCMP. The RCMP have never, ever followed up. We are in a situation where you're unable to continue your work in a timely manner and be accountable to Parliament. The RCMP then rubber-stamps or whitewashes whatever Lobbying Act activity has happened. Then it creates a public impression that it was okay. I think that's very problematic. If the RCMP is going to refuse to follow up, you're left in a position where you've sent it to them and they've said, “We didn't find a problem.” The RCMP never finds a problem.
Would it be better if we change the rules with the RCMP so they have a specific function, but their role is not interfering with your legitimate work on behalf of Parliament to hold these people to account?