I would argue it's incumbent upon her to go out and educate as many people as possible, and that would be everywhere from MPs to senators to bureaucrats.
We've done a couple of information sessions on behalf of GRIC, where we've invited her to come and do some more explanation with our members. I think it's incumbent upon her also to go into the general public and spend more time educating them.
When people ask me what I do for a living, I say I'm a government relations consultant. They then kind of look at me and ask what that means. When I say I'm a lobbyist they say, “Oh...”. When I ask if they know what a lobbyist is, they say no. Then what's with the perception of it?
I think it's incumbent upon all of us to spend more time educating the public about what we do, that it's constitutionally legal and above board. We follow a set of pretty complex rules, and by and large we govern ourselves according to the act.