When you talk about the social meetings that might come up, you're also talking about the accuracy of the reporting. You have the situation, then, where an MP is at a particular event, so you have the lobbyist saying, “Well, I believe I should be mentioning that I have met with these particular individuals.” You may have someone who is handing out cards, who then says that they have met with an MP. The MP could have been giving his card to these individuals for a future meeting or whatever. But there is a point then that the MP should then be able to remember each and every person he has met with, and then there is concern about being able to have the MP's records match with the records that you're going to have there.
I would think that there would just be a great deal of confusion when that takes place, because I know that I might talk to a lot of individuals who may want to say “Yes, I've talked to 12 MPs here”, so they could check it off to take back to their bosses. But that interaction might not have meant the same thing to the person who was approached.
I wonder if you could comment on that.