It wouldn't just capture all companies that have cause to call their MP once a year; it would capture anyone who contacts government in a professional capacity—charities, local health authorities, the president of the university in your hometown, labour organizations—anyone who contacted you, even if they conduct a registerable activity. If they're talking about legislation or policy, or if they're following up on a grant, once a year they would have to register. This would lead to an exponential increase in the number of registrations being made with the commissioner and in the number of monthly reports.
The red tape reduction report came out last week, and had a one-to-one rule—this is Minister Bernier's report—where if you create a new regulation or if you expand a regulation, you need to figure out which one you're going to get rid of.
All we've seen in this process is recommended increases in the regulation. We haven't seen any indication of what the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying would propose to eliminate by way of regulation in order to comply with that report's recommendations.