You make it illegal. That's the best you can do. You will never end either secret donations or secret lobbying, no matter what regime you ever put in. You will always have Swiss bank accounts and bank accounts in other countries with secret money in them, and you will always have secret lobbying. But make it illegal. Require all the communications to be disclosed.
The commissioner is not requiring all communications to be disclosed. That's one of the flaws with her recommendations. There's just absolutely no reason for it. A person contacts you about your decisions...and I agree with what Mr. Chenier said. At whatever level you're in, in the public service or opposition party or government, if they're contacting you about your decisions and communicating with you in any way about your decisions, require them, paid or unpaid...if it's about the enforcement or the administration or the changing of a law, whether it's 20% of the time or 100% time, require them to disclose it. That's what the Internet is for. It will be searchable and people will be able to track who—