Yes, on all counts. All the cases that have been referred to the RCMP in the past, including the first one we referred way back in 1992 or 1993, have been dropped for one reason or another, for one technicality or another. Either it was unpaid lobbying or it was beyond the terms. The first one was a six-month rule; it was beyond six months. Then it was beyond two years, which is why we have the ten-year rule now, that you can investigate and lay charges on breaches to the act. Many of these are not what you would call serious enough to the RCMP, at any rate, to warrant a lot of resources.
I concur with what Mr. Conacher said about being proactive. Actually going out and doing audits in terms of whether the activities and the registrations match, with more powers to investigate and have administrative penalties, I think would do wonders for the act.