Once again, thank you for your question.
I will answer in English, if I may.
I understand the question to be whether Vikileaks potentially distracted attention from the real issues and real dangers of Bill C-30.
I would say no. The reason I would say no is that I did an analysis of media mentions over the past two years, using key words such as “lawful access” and a number of the bills that had previously been introduced along these lines, to get a full picture of how much was being driven in the media by this exact issue.
When it came to Vikileaks, I'm not making a total suggestion that it had a bigger impact than it might have, but I believe that it helped draw attention to the bill and some of the more superficial aspects of the bill, such as privacy and having the government able to access.... They're not superficial in the sense that they're not important. There's, of course, a lot more substance to the bill. It was just to give people an idea of what the bill was about. I think that, through that, it drove people to investigate a little bit further, and by the end of that week, a lot of people were talking about the bill.