I think that's a key component of it. The more people understand what the process is, the fewer difficulties you are going to have. With fewer difficulties, the less stress there is going to be as far as budgetary issues are concerned, which is of course what we are here to talk about today.
I'd like to go back to one of the figures we had on a spending trend for the office from 2007-08 up to 2013-14. For 2007-08 all the way up to 2009-10 you had—this was perhaps from previous years—the actual spending. In 2009-10 there was a drop, so that you had less actual spending taking place. That was also the year, as you just mentioned, that you had the court challenge, so whatever costs might have been associated with that I assume would have been in that particular year. Since then there has been quite a large increase from 2009-10 to 2010-11. Of course, once that increase takes place, that becomes the base number you are working with here for the next number of years.
I wonder if you could just comment a little bit on what was happening as far as your actual spending was concerned, perhaps a little bit in line with what the NDP were talking about when they were at the table. And then talk about what you feel is going to be the trend line later on.