Thank you.
So this brings us to the end of the last round of five-minute questions.
We will now continue with the vote on vote 45. I would first like to say that we have heard from the last commissioner today.
We still have to pass vote 20 under Parliament. This vote has to do with the Senate ethics officer. Over the past few years, he has not once appeared before the committee to give testimony. In addition, the mandate of the Senate ethics officer is coming to an end. The new officer has not been appointed yet.
If you don't have any questions about this vote, we can pass it at the same time as vote 45.
Any questions on vote 20?
Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying
Vote 45—Program expenditures..........$4,193,000
Senate Ethics Officer
Vote 20—Program expenditures..........$702,000
Shall vote 45 under Treasury Board and vote 20 under Parliament carry?
(Vote 45 agreed to on division)
(Vote 20 agreed to on division)
Shall I report the votes on the main estimates to the House?