It would just be helpful for us to know, from a timing perspective.
Ms. Goulding, you spoke a little bit about cookies. Believe it or not, I was a computer programmer before I came here. I taught information technology. I'm fairly familiar with some of the issues that concern this. Everybody who is a computer or technology user should know that there are operating system settings that can be used to set things like security, for example. When it comes to cookies, you can actually turn the setting off so that cookies can't be stored on your computer, and so on.
Do we have an education problem in Canada insofar as people's ability to actually understand what their systems are capable of? I was going to ask this of the Privacy Commissioner, because if you know what you are doing, you can actually set it up in such a way that you can increase your own personal protection of your information.
Are we doing enough on that front in Canada to make sure people are fully aware of the risks they face, and what some of the things are that can help mitigate these concerns?