I'll leave the broader parts of the question to my co-presenters here.
In terms of kids and user agreements, there definitely need to be some changes. I've read a lot of end-user licence agreements for service directed to kids. They include all the same types of clauses that you find in any of these documents. There are all kinds of complications when kids are involved. Not only are there words that most kids can't understand, but most adults have trouble understanding them. Service contracts actually describe relationships in terms that younger kids just can't understand yet. They still have some developing to do before they can understand that level of complex things like property exchange or different economic processes that are being described in terms of service and use.
Changes to the kids' area, which is the area I'm an expert in, are defintiely needed with regard to things like the terms used in contracts so that they are understandable to kids and parents. I think as a government, as a country, we need to start thinking about how we're going to deal with kids entering into contracts, because minors' contracts are very tricky legally. They're voidable and there are all kinds of strange precedents to wade into.
I'm not a legal expert, and it hurts my head even to think about how complicated this all becomes when you start thinking about it in those terms. But we need to start dealing with that. We need to start thinking about it seriously and think about what we are expecting kids to be held to when they agree to terms of service that are 15 pages long, are full of all kinds of jargon, and include processes that are so far beyond what they're capable of understanding that we couldn't possibly expect these contracts to actually be upheld.
So, yes, I would love to see a more à la carte type of design for terms of service for use and end-user licence agreements, including some terms that have been delineated as terms that are appropriate for younger kids, and a framework for figuring out how we're going to deal with who signs on and who agrees to it, and how involved will parents be, because they clearly will have to be.