Thank you.
I know Dean can wax on all day, so we don't have to go too long on this.
I think if we had Mr. Clement come before the ethics committee, he could explain why he was telling local mayors to keep their mouths shut until they got their story straight, telling them not to make announcements because it would make him--quote--“uncomfortable”, because some of the more dodgy use of the money--for example, claiming this media centre when in fact they were building an Olympic hockey arena--was certainly causing them trouble. So they were telling the local mayors not to talk until Tony got their lines straight.
Now, I don't know how Mr. Del Mastro's team works, but normally when we work with mayors and it's a good news story, they go out and tell their story. I don't have to phone them and say, “Listen, don't talk to anybody until we get our lines straight”. That makes you ask questions on what they were worried about.
But I'm not going to worry about that right now. I'd like to close on a simple statement that was made by one of Canada's great newspapers, the Sun, the Sun that says “It is time for Tony to step aside”.
Now, when the editorial in the Sun says Tony Clement has “repeatedly violated practically all standards of accountability and ethics” and has to go, I mean....
Dean, when you can't get the Sun to back you up on this, you guys are in a deep hole.
I would totally concur with the editorial of the Sun that he has broken practically all standards of accountability and ethics, which is why we bring this motion to our committee.
I rest my case.