Thank you.
To your point, I have watched grandchildren three, four, and five years old use their parents' iPads and navigate their way through various screens online. It's remarkable to watch. I'm guessing that from a digital literacy perspective, that generation is going to be far advanced, compared even with those who are just a generation ahead, in understanding how the technology works and in being able to navigate it.
The concern I have is the privacy issue. You talked earlier about some examples of best practices, whereby you can go through the privacy regs and accept, be it on a BlackBerry or whatever, the regulations as they exist. Kids at that young age have no idea of that. The concern is, how do you manage it? How do you monitor and control it so that the children aren't getting exposed to things and finding their way into things that they shouldn't be at extremely young ages? It goes from there.
I listened to you talk about the British and Australian models. Could you give us just a thumbnail on how it is that those are such good systems? Is there something there we should be looking to adopt?