Again, I'm trying to be careful not to speak too much for the prior owners, but when that first communication happened in 2010, there was a serious list of problems and they had to be addressed. Any business owner goes through an analysis of whether to continue to invest or not to invest, or whatever they're going to do. By and large, the company completely stopped development at that point.
The code, I should mention—not that anybody cares but me—is in a language called Ruby, but it's not the Rails framework. It's basically custom code. So getting anybody to dig in and do anything is a challenge. What's happening right now is that two of the guys who originally coded and developed it are helping me out as I bring in new staff, but getting new people to understand this stuff is a genuine challenge. I think with anything in business, and I've done technology businesses for a while, you've got to pick your battles and you have to focus on something, so we've chosen to focus on the wording changes, the privacy policy. That seems like an easy place to start.
The deletion thing...look, if that had been easy to do, the previous owners would have done it; they wouldn't have sold the company. It's genuinely challenging to do.