It's a broad question. Spending time here today doesn't make me more money. My preference would be to steer well clear of anything that even smelled like it might be an issue.
Larger companies, sometimes because they're innovative, do push the envelope and then later on get caught. Also, it's a big, wide open world out there and there are people with all kinds of different motivations. There are whole industries that, as you say, do trade on treading the line. It's never been my business practice. I find you spend way more time worrying about that edge than actually running up the middle making money. There is a lot of money to be made going straight up the middle and not getting anywhere near any violations.
So in terms of how you set regulations to encourage that behaviour, I don't know. We've talked about whether the Privacy Commissioner should have penalty enforcement or whether it works now and again. Our feeling is that it works quite well now.