I'm unaware of any financial benefit of keeping the data longer than some period of time. I did listen to her testimony. I haven't spoken with her and I don't know what she was getting at.
Regarding keeping data of users who have gone, the only reason it's there is we're trying to figure out how to get rid of it technically, and from a business perspective, which parts of it to get rid of. Our feeling now is that certainly the profile data and any data—a blog, for example, that the user has posted—should vanish when the user leaves. Our thought is that perhaps you want to keep the data around for a little while in case the user wants to come back, so for a few months certainly you want to be able to say to the user, “Are you sure you don't want to come back? Here is what your friends have been doing”—that sort of thing. But certainly there is no business reason that I'm aware of for keeping the data longer than perhaps two years.