Yes. We had a discussion with the Privacy Commissioner even before Mr. Bartus purchased the company. We came to an arrangement with respect to the timing. As you saw in the recommendations, they were done in two steps. These are going to be done in two steps. The first set have to be done by, I believe, January 31 and the rest of them by April 30. We've told the Privacy Commissioner's office that we expect to have these recommendations done, in many cases, before that time, and we've committed to the commissioner's office that we will give them a report on a regular basis. We actually were going to give the first report, I think, today or tomorrow, but our appearance here has perhaps delayed it by a couple of days.
Certainly we've had a very good working relationship with the commissioner's office. I can't speak for them, obviously, but it's worked out quite well, we think. Everybody's moving forward extremely positively. As Mr. Bartus said earlier, it's been something that has been a very useful thing in terms of the company turning around its practices and turning around its business.