No, that's not what I'm saying. What I'm saying is that, first of all, this is an industry at a very early, nascent stage, and things that are unfolding and innovations that are taking place are happening very rapidly. Often we don't know what's going to happen tomorrow or in two weeks' time.
The best thing we should do is make sure the actors are engaged in the conversation to figure out what makes the most sense.
Based on what you know today, if you impose a set of very prescriptive regulations and restrictions, it will do more harm than good. It is important. I'm talking about mainstream, credible, organized business organizations. I'm not talking about a bell curve that includes the fringes on both sides. I'm talking about the organizations that are doing a respectful, good business with innovation in this area.
You need to engage them in collaboration. With the Privacy Commissioner, several rulings have come out, and in all of them the industries were part of it. They applauded them, and by and large they followed them.