All right.
When I get sent an email through my system and it's prompting me and suggesting that I follow so-and-so, how is that match being done? I assume that Twitter is looking at my profile as an individual, which some people could argue is private. I happen to be an MP and I'm married and I have kids, blah, blah, blah—and those are things I've done—but when I'm getting prompted that I should be following certain people because that fits a profile, is there a way to look at whether that violates any privacy rules? Obviously someone has made that determination in the back office that I should be following so-and-so because I happen to be a member of Parliament, or I happen to be a father or a hockey player, or whatever I am.
Where do you draw the line, as an organization, around those kinds of things, to make sure you're not stepping over? You're using private information about me and who I am to basically encourage me to be a more active user of the system. That's the whole idea of Twitter, right? It's to have more and more people communicating with more and more people. That's the whole idea.
Is there a way you strike that balance?