Thank you, gentlemen. This has been a very interesting opening session for us on the question of conflict of interest.
I think what we're all trying to get a sense of here is, how do we ensure that the rules are fair? Because in the day-to-day work of an MP, they could cross the line; it might not mean that they're setting out to do so, but they should be able to have a conversation. They should feel comfortable enough to be able to find out what the breach is and step back across that line. If Mr. Ford had taken advice of the commissioner the very first day that he stepped over the line, I think he wouldn't haven't been in the trouble that he was in. The commissioner was not out to bring him down but to say, “Listen, you might not fully understand the rules.”
I understand the education element of it. I guess the question is what the commissioner is asking for in terms of the greater breach. It's the issue of trying to influence someone in how to vote and make decisions. That has to have consequences.
Mr. Greene, do you believe the commissioner should have greater power for administrative monetary penalties? Who do you see taking that up?