Let's presume that you do not receive many gifts—and you are the first to recognize that. I would venture to say that's for the best. I teach public servants and managers, and we get them to think about the fact that gifts are inappropriate in our public organizations. We agree that those public office holders should be even more exemplary. If that is required of the lowest-level public servants, the principle of denunciation is always expected.
As for exceptions, I talked about them in my very succinct presentation. One of the points—which is often debated in scientific or institutional literature—is the exception that is always there for those who have diplomatic mandates or are carrying out a diplomatic mission. I am talking about people who are abroad and face different cultural traditions. That does not prevent most experts on the issue from saying that, in such cases, the obligation to actively disclose the gift received should be implied. In addition, where possible, upon returning to the country, the person should give that gift to an institution that would be in charge of managing gifts received by public office holders.
There is a whole set of suggestions when it comes to that. In some countries, an annual auction is organized for the gifts received by public office holders, and the money collected is given to non-profit organizations, among others. So there are a number of scenarios possible to avoid impoliteness while respecting the spirit of not accepting gifts—the prohibition on gift giving in that perspective. I think we should head in that direction, instead of reconsidering the standards involved in gift giving.