Chair, one of our recommendations addresses this very directly. The situation described by the member actually arises under the code. The CBA has no position on the code.
We do have a position on the act. Our position on the act includes a recommendation that every prohibition in the act be enforceable by fine. On the question related to the code, under the act the analogous restriction is in section 6 of the act, which prohibits a public office holder from making decisions or participating in decisions when he or she has a private interest as defined in the act. Right now there is no penalty for breaching that under the act. There is no fine. There are no repercussions short of a report to Parliament.
I think the answer to the member's question is that the CBA recommendation that every single prohibition and the remaining six duties in the act that have no sanctions attached to them be made subject to penalties so that somebody who breaches that—granted the question was under the code—the corresponding obligation under the act would be subject to financial penalty.