Thank you very much, Madam Chair. And to our witnesses, thank you very much for coming here today.
I too am a supporter. I have listened to CBC since we got our first television. The old radio was something I've listened to a lot as I travel around. I've seen good programs over the years. However, I am starting to feel as though it has deteriorated. I am concerned about that, because we know a base amount of funding is going there. Therefore, I am interested in making sure there is some accountability there.
When we look at section 68.1 of the Access to Information Act, we talk about journalistic programming and creative activities. We are concerned about whether or not the Information Commissioner is able to look at what is involved there. I'm afraid the CBC has taken the stance that this commissioner has no credibility. Perhaps that is a little too harsh. However, I am curious as to what types of advice you might give to the Information Commissioner to state what is creative, what is programming, and what is journalistic, so that she, with her group of people, could take a look at information requests and make wise decisions.