Thank you for the question, Ms. Borg.
It's a little ironic, because if you look at the annual reports we've produced since I've been in office, you see that very few legal actions end up being heard on the merits. We go to the Federal Court to try to bring the private sector to implement our recommendations. It's exceedingly rare for organizations to challenge us to the very end. They prefer to settle out of court. But, in order to force them to settle out of court—a decision they could have made earlier—we have to go through the process, obtain findings, hire lawyers, go to the Federal Court and wait for the action to take its course. That can go on for a certain amount of time before someone in the organization realizes how serious the matter is and how strong our arguments are. They are forced to choose between withdrawing or settling out of court because we have sound arguments.
That's the pattern we've observed over the years. And, by the way, that's one of the reasons I became convinced of the importance of saying, this process has to be more efficient for Canadians. What's more, my office's resources are steadily decreasing, and we have to ensure that these settlements happen sooner.