To be clear, you think they should be handing over this information to the Information Commissioner, and she should be determining whether it's 68.1 or not.
What do you think of section 68.1 to begin with? Do you take a view on it? Do you think there should be a set-aside when it comes to taxpayers' money in this regard?
We're not talking about the Privy Council. That's what Mr. Julian was bringing up. He'd like to have all the information from the Privy Council. The court said it's appropriate that it's not actually subject to access, and I think we all understand there are some pieces of information that simply cannot be....
But what we are talking about is the expending of taxpayers' dollars. How do you think section 68.1 should be applied? Should there be a section 68.1 cut out? And if there is, should we narrow it down or better define it so that groups like you that have made requests with respect to the spending of the CBC.... I understand some of the requests are for the expenditures on meals, fleet costs for trucks, salaries, and so forth. These things are not programming or don't deal with journalistic integrity. We're not asking them to reveal sources. Correct?
Is there a way you would suggest we better define this?