Thank you for the question, Mr. Dreeshen.
I think it goes back to one's world view. Regarding these bonuses for executives, creative personnel, and staff, if you're trying to keep a talented programmer, an idea person, a creative person, or perhaps a star revenue producer, someone who brings in the advertisers, someone who's critical to the process, that's hardball show business. So regarding the CBC, as Strombo said at his big party at the Toronto International Film Festival, is show business, this is big money, this is hardball. And the CBC deploys its financial advantage to gain a commercial advantage.
If you embrace the idea that this is a sensible model, then you obviously have to hire hardball creative staff, hardball money generators, and you have to keep the information proprietary and secret, and you have to run it like a business or it will end up costing even more than $1.16 billion.