Thank you, Mr. Chair.
Chairman, members of the committee, on behalf of CBC/Radio-Canada, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be here today to discuss our concerns about Bill C-461 and its potential effect on the public broadcaster.
We are concerned that this bill as currently drafted will have some unintended consequences that may undermine CBC/Radio-Canada's ability to do its job as mandated by Parliament.
First, the bill would remove the current protections for journalism programming and creative activities under the Access to Information Act. There was much discussion in 2010 and 2011 about section 68.1, which is the exclusion for these activities, and how it needed to be clarified. In fact, it has been clarified. In November 2011, the Federal Court of Appeal made it crystal clear. The Information Commissioner can review documents held by CBC/Radio-Canada to determine whether the exclusion applies, except when it comes to journalistic sources.
I would like to read what the court of appeal said:
...the exclusion for journalistic sources, like the exclusions provided in sections 69 and 69.1, is absolute. It follows that in the event that a request seeking the disclosure of journalistic sources was made, a record – or the part thereof – revealing this type of information would be exempt from the Commissioner’s power of examination.
That decision is extremely clear and at the time, both CBC/Radio-Canada and the commissioner expressed their satisfaction with it. The government, in its response to this committee's study, wrote that the decision, and I am quoting: “settled the dispute between CBC and the Information Commissioner”.
Indeed, since then, we and the commissioner have been working together to resolve the files which had been awaiting the court's decision. As you have heard from the commissioner, that work could be completed by the end of this year and we are collaborating closely with the Commissioner's Office in order to meet our goals.
This bill is proposing to do away with 68.1 completely and to replace this exclusion with an injury-based exemption. That change will introduce a great deal of uncertainty regarding its application as the commissioner, CBC/Radio-Canada and third parties will have to debate not one, but two elements now: whether the material is journalistic, creative or programming information, and secondly, whether the release would prejudice the corporation's independence. This will be the case even where there are confidential sources. We are loosing ground, going backwards, where sources are concerned.
Introducing an additional requirement of “prejudice to independence” which is untested in any current case law in Canada will inevitably bring us to a new level of uncertainty that will likely require several cases and years to resolve before a sufficient body of legal decisions exist to give us all the necessary guidance.
Parliament must balance the desire for more access to information for federal institutions, with the requirement that media organizations such as ours operate effectively and independently.
The specific protections in both the Broadcasting Act and Access to information Act for journalism, programming and creative activities, exist to ensure independence.
Incidentally, those protections are not unique. As the commissioner pointed out in the comparison document that she shared with you in 2011, public broadcasters in Ireland, England, and Australia, all have specific exclusions from their access to information laws for their journalism programming and creative activities, and all without any test in order to demonstrate a negative impact on their independence. Why would Canadians want to change that for their own public broadcaster? Why is such a change necessary when CBC/Radio-Canada is among the strongest performers under access to information?
Here are some facts about that. We have taken the lead among organizations in posting on our website much of what we release under access. That's in addition to the board minutes and the business travel and hospitality expenses that we post proactively. CBC/Radio-Canada earned an A from the commissioner in her most recent review for its performance under the act. Last fall, the corporation was recognized for improving transparency and accountability in the 2012 IPAC/Deloitte Public Sector Leadership Awards.
But that accountability goes beyond access to information. Every year we provide detailed financial information to the CRTC, which oversees our licence conditions. Every year the Auditor General of Canada signs off on our financial statements. Every five to 10 years he conducts a comprehensive special audit. In his most recent audit tabled in Parliament this year, the Auditor General gave CBC/Radio-Canada a clean audit opinion. That's the best result a federal agency can obtain.
We also report to our minister, to parliamentarians, and to Canadians through our corporate plan, our annual report, and our quarterly financial statements published on our website. We also have an independent board of directors, including an audit committee and a governance committee, all appointed by the government to oversee our budgets and our operations. It's their job to ensure that our programming and journalistic resources are being spent wisely.
This means while we are accountable under access to information for the general administration of our corporation, the law also draws the line at publicly releasing those things that would undermine our independence, or prejudice our competitive position—things like how much Peter Mansbridge gets paid, or how much we paid for the upcoming Olympics, or the details of our promotional strategies for new shows. For those things, it is the responsibility of our board of directors to protect both the public interest and the corporation's arm's-length independence.
There are two other unintended defects of C-461 I would like to mention with respect to proposed changes to the Privacy Act. These are the consequences I would now like to discuss.
First, the bill proposes to strip away the existing Privacy Act protections for journalism, programming and creative activities—but only for CBC/Radio-Canada. It would allow the subject of a CBC/Radio-Canada investigation to demand all information about them held by one of our journalists, even before we broadcast. Only CBC/Radio-Canada journalists would be subject to this provision. You can imagine what this would do to the investigative journalism that Canadians value.
Finally, with respect to salaries, C-461 proposes to make public the exact salary of the highest earners working for a government institution—rather than the salary ranges of their position, which is the current law. This has a much broader impact than just on CBC/Radio-Canada.
The Privacy Commissioner has established four tests to determine whether an invasion of privacy is justified, and one of those tests is whether there is a less privacy-invasive way of achieving the same end. The commissioner has put it this way:
...disclosing salary ranges or aggregate salary amounts for relevant groups, as opposed to specific salaries of individuals, could prove just as effective in achieving enhanced transparency and accountability without incurring the corresponding loss of individual privacy.
In our case, we would suggest that the combination of our salary ranges being public—they're available proactively and under access to information—the aggregate of our senior executive salaries being available in our annual report, and a specific salary being the express responsibility of our board of directors, all of that achieves the goal of enhanced transparency and accountability. It does so without undermining our ability to maximize public value in our highly competitive business environment where other broadcasters' salaries are protected.
Should CBC/Radio-Canada be accountable? Absolutely, and it is. Should there be oversight? Absolutely, and there is. But in addition to accountability and oversight, CBC/Radio-Canada needs to be able to do the job it is being asked to do by Parliament. In our view, this bill will not help us do that.
Thank you very much.