Yes, I do. In looking at this, I think that's a very important point.
Nova Scotia publishes the salaries of all officials earning $100,000 or more. That was adopted in December 2010. Newfoundland posts the salaries and expenses of elected officials. That was in 2007. In Ontario, as you said, it was 1996.
On the other one, the public sector salaries over $50,000, which is the policy in Saskatchewan, these are available online dating back to 2005-06. On Alberta, I just have information about government ministers' office expenses, which are posted online. That started in April 2007. B.C. executive compensation disclosure statements were made available online starting in 2008-09.
I think that's all I can tell you about the dates. Generally, it's a fairly recent trend, I guess, but the oldest one seems to be Ontario.