He's lost to history.
We're talking about the senior legal department of the Prime Minister's Office being involved in potentially illegal acts to suppress information in an RCMP investigation into the Prime Minister's Office. This is something our committee needs to investigate. We need to talk about this.
I'm asking my colleagues on the other side not to continue participating in the cover-up. Don't hide this. Don't go in camera. Don't do what they did when they ordered Senator Gerstein and the crowd to shut down the Senate investigation into Runia and Gerstein.
What was being done before in the back rooms is now being done in open public, as this Prime Minister, who's very politically wounded, attempts to do anything to interfere with any process that will get to the bottom of the criminal acts that were committed in his office. I'm asking my honourable colleagues.... Their careers are on the line too. Don't go down with this Prime Minister. He's done. He's broken his trust with the Canadian people. I'm asking you. You have to go back to your voters, and some of you are going to be in it pretty tough if you have to explain why you sat in this committee meeting and went in camera and tried to shut down an investigation on whether criminal acts were being committed by your boss. Don't do it. Work with us.