Well, in your package here, we have a number of suggestions about what you can do to protect yourself online, particularly with things like phishing tactics and so forth.
The biggest piece of advice, I think, is to be very careful. The fundamental issue is this: don't reveal personal information online unless you understand very carefully who it is you're dealing with. If it's someone who you know and trust, then that's one issue, but certainly most respectable businesses and institutions do not request that you send in valuable personal information cold, online.
Unfortunately, criminal practitioners in this area often do prey on these kinds of emotional appeals. For example, the typical kind of stratagem is an email that you would receive that would look very official, from a bank, for example, saying that there's been some problem with the security of your account and asking you to contact them online. When you contact them online—or even in some cases, phone them, but certainly contacting them online—you're asked to present personal information. Banks never do that.
So really, it's about being extremely careful about situations in which you provide your personal information. You do that only in circumstances where, for example, you're applying legitimately for a piece of identification, or a credit card, or some other situation. But the point is to be very aware of out-of-the-blue, unsolicited inquiries and entreaties to engage with somebody, in the course of which you're asked for some kind of sensitive personal information. That's when you always need to be careful.
In other words, if you initiate it yourself, that's fine. You want to apply for a credit card and you go to a bank, you fill in a form, and so forth. But when someone contacts you out of the blue, even when it is the bank, and says that something's gone wrong and they need your personal information, don't respond to that. Go directly back to the institution yourself and inquire with your own bank branch, for example, if there is a problem, because you need to be very careful when people ask for personal information out of the blue. That's the bottom line here.